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Team at Perfect Paint MK
01 Aug

Perfect Paint MK: Proud to Deliver 21 Years of Exceptional Service

Perfect Paint MK: Proud to Deliver 21 Years of Exceptional Service

Today marks the 21st year anniversary of Perfect Paint MK!

Established in 2001 with just a handful of staff, no manufacturer approvals and limited resources, the company has covered a long and evolutionary journey.

The company – now an approved repairer for top manufacturers such as Mercedes-Benz, Audi, VW, SEAT, Skoda, Cupra, Volvo, Mazda, Honda and Hyundai - was founded by Steve Digby and his wife Chris, who shared the vision to one day run one of the most highly respected prestige accident repairers in the industry.

This dream slowly became a reality as Perfect Paint MK passed all of their annual manufacturer and ISO audits as well as consistently receiving recognition for awards in the industry – the most recent being the 2022 ABP British Bodyshop Awards Exceptional Customer Service award.

Steve, Director at Perfect Paint MK, said “I would like to personally thank my employees who are foremost my true assets. I am extremely lucky to have such a fantastic team of dedicated and loyal people who work hard within their individual professions to ensure our repair quality and customer satisfaction is always met.”

Chris, Director at Perfect Paint MK also said “I would like to thank all my customers and work providers who continually support us with their trust and commitment to the company. We look forward to continuing to build on our long-standing relationship and will endeavour to maintain our high standards long into the future.”

The company has had to adapt and overcome many challenges over the years, including keeping up with the pace of ever-evolving vehicle technologies, which includes ensuring their team of specialists who are equipped to repair and work with electric vehicles.

As part of their growth, Perfect Paint MK has welcomed lots of new faces to the team and introduced its expansion programme this year, with the aim of attracting more MET Technicians, Paint Technicians, VDA Estimators and a variety of other roles.

Steve added “Our healthy company began with the inclusion of core values such as Quality, Service, Integrity and Teamwork. I have always tried my best to present my staff with a better business, a flexible work culture, training and development and most of all form a team known as the Perfect Paint family.”

The team at Perfect Paint MK are proud to be entering their 22nd year of trading as they continue their journey driven by purpose and forecast to evolve with key factors such as innovative technology, staff training, sustainability, building the Perfect Paint team and brand all to support their ambition of remaining as a leading and trusted prestige repairer who always strives for excellence.

Perfect Paint MK works with all major insurance companies and repair all makes and models of vehicles. Take a closer look at Perfect Paint here:

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